ManvsMachine與LOLA MullenLowe合作,重新想像Magnum冰棒經典的產品特色樣貌...
"ManvsMachine teamed up with LOLA MullenLowe to reimagine what Magnum’s iconic product shots could be...
這個夏天,你最無可抗拒的沁涼甜品,透過MVSM跟LOLA MullenLowe的巧手,將Magnum這個大家熟知的冰棒品牌的Remix產品線做了全新的視覺詮釋。「從最經典的巧克力流動到令人流口水的酥脆外殼,我們爆炸、扭曲、融化、滴下,用巧克力的愉悅弄髒了眼前的螢幕。」
This summer, we present the most irresistible sweets. Through the hands and lens of MVSM and LOLA MullenLowe, "Remix" from Magnum has obtained a whole-new interpretation.
"We teamed up with the talented crew at LOLA MullenLowe to reimagine what Magnum’s iconic product shots could be. From the classic 'pour' to the mouth watering 'crack', we exploded, twisted, melted and dripped pure chocolate bliss all over the screen."
In this ad, in addition to the attractive soundtrack, will re-emphasize its brand image in the minds of consumers by combining and separating images, to express the mixture of materials and flavors.