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用眼睛感受雲朵般觸感 Touching With Your Eyes


How to make advertising stand out in today's visual competition era...

Photo credit: Onesal

英國的包包品牌Mulberry,這次的針對的族群是遠在亞洲的年輕族群,希望透過The Sofie這款雲朵包的廣告,可以引起這群人的興趣並進行購買。

Mulberry, a British bag brand, is targeting young people far away in Asia for this campaign, hoping that through this advertisement starring The Sofie bag, can create their interest and push sales.

Photo credit: Onesal

Photo credit: Onesal


The idea of "touching the material through the screen" has become the starting point for the Japanese design company Onesal in the project. By enlarging the 3D simulation of the soft material, and with the hardware, turn button on the bag, being created as the classic picture of falling from the top, bring out the characteristics of Mulberry bags; the short film also impresses the audience quickly.

Photo credit: Onesal


Not only did it achieve the project goal with fine picture effects, the short film also created more than 2.5 million views on Youtube and Instagram. Apart from that, Onesal also combined the music to make the texture in the video closer to the real effect of the material, and brought the texture of the advertisement to a higher level.


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