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Pentagram 50年經典時刻 50 years of Pentagram

平面設計的響亮名稱Pentagram 50年回顧經典案例...

The shiny name of graphic design, Pentagram, 50 year reflection...


"By establishing a unique non-hierarchical structure that preserved the autonomy of each of the partners while encouraging collaboration and sharing of resources, the firm was a success from the start."Pentagram started with several well-known designers as equal partners, retaining the independence of creativity, which has also contributed to its uniqueness and great success in the past 50 years.

設計週刊先前採訪的英國書籍設計公司 Unit Editions 這次也受到Pentagram委託,編輯及設計這51位貢獻這50年來的歷史及作品的合夥人們的故事。想更了解Unit Editions歡迎回顧採訪內容及影片

The British book design company Unit Editions, who we interviewed before, was also commissioned by Pentagram to edit and design the stories of the 51 partners who contributed to the history and works of the past 50 years. To learn more about Unit Editions, you can see our interview and video.


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