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一日工作室 A Day in Da Studio x Hey

第二集的一日工作室,設計週刊抵達陽光滋養的城市巴賽隆納,也非常幸運地邀請到Hey創辦人暨創意總監:Verònica Fuerte與我們對談 你看過充滿色彩的手工啤酒Caravelle的包裝嗎?Uniqlo跟巴賽隆納當代藝術館合作,Hey是怎麼讓這樣的資訊透過視覺的方法告知民眾呢?

VF: Verònica Fuerte

JT: Design Weekly設計週刊採訪者

JT: 我們在你們的網站上看到了你們為Caravelle這間餐廳設計的啤酒包裝。在我們更往設計層面走之前,你可以跟我們的讀者多說一些這間餐廳的背景跟定位嗎?

VF: Caravelle是一間位於巴賽隆納的餐廳,而他的老闆也是來自這座城市,也已經開門了好一段時間。你可以來這邊享用早午餐、午餐與晚餐,同時餐點也相當的健康,但它看起來像那種美式餐廳。他們的企業識別也有一種美式風格在裡頭。餐點之外,他們也自產這種手工精釀啤酒。當時他們很喜歡我們的風格、也希望啤酒的包裝能夠走比較色彩豐富的路線,因此找上了我們。而我們想出了不同地景去搭配不同口味啤酒的設計理念。

JT: 總共四種口味對嗎?

VF: 對的。我們的脈絡是跟這兩個元素有關:口味及一天之中的某段時間。一個比較適合晚上飲用,而另一個則比較適合在白天享受,這就是我們的想法。就像在某些時候你得以放鬆並且信手捻來一瓶啤酒一樣。當然你什麼時候想喝都可以,但這就是我們的設計概念。

JT: We saw one of Hey’s projects with the restaurant Caravelle, for the beer packaging on your website. Before we dig into the design aspect, could you tell our readers more about the restaurant?

VF: Caravelle is a restaurant in Barcelona, the owner is also from Barcelona. It has opened a long time ago. It’s a kind of restaurant that you can eat brunch and also have lunch and dinner, which is very healthy at the same time, but it looks more or less like a diner in the US. The identity also has an American style in it. So they have this craft beer, they are daily produced by their own for some years ago. They came to us in the first place because they love the style of Hey and they wanted to have a very colorful outlook, so we came up with this idea of different landscapes according to the different flavors.

JT: And there are four flavors in total?

VF: Yes. The idea is this: Depending on the flavor and the time of a day. One is more for the night, and one is more for the day. So that was the idea. It’s like a time when you can relax and drink your beer. I mean, you could drink whenever you want to, but that’s the concept.

JT: 你們有沒有曾經得到一些來自在那邊用過餐的顧客的回饋,或者是這個客戶的評價呢?

VF: 我們知道這個包裝對客戶來說可以造成很棒的響應,但Caravelle畢竟是一個在巴賽隆納的小地方,他們想把啤酒銷售到更多城市,但如今還在起步階段。我覺得這個包裝蠻成功的,很多人也很喜歡這個啤酒外觀,甚至有時候我的朋友會到那裡用餐,並且拍下啤酒的照片。

JT: 我可以想像,包裝上的顏色真的非常鮮艷吸引人。

VF: 真的,尤其比起其他手工釀啤酒更是如此。在手工啤酒的世界裡,標籤設計大概都是強調「手工」的概念,所以有些人選擇使用更多材質及其他相似的方法去設計,和這種很不一樣。

JT: Have you ever got any feedback from the client or the customers who went there for dining?

VF: I mean, we know that it’s working very well for our client, but I mean it’s a small place in Barcelona, and they intend to sell them to more places, so they are in the beginning of expanding still. I think it’s going pretty well and people love it, and sometimes I have friends who go there and taking pictures about the beer.

JT: Yeah and look at the packaging, they’re in such dynamic colors.

VF: Yeah it is, especially compared to other craft beers. Because in the craft beer world, the label design is more or less like: “you need to know that this is craft” so some people choose to use textures and other similar approaches, which is very different to this one.

JT: 有關於Uniqlo跟MACBA(巴賽隆納當代藝術館)的合作案中,你可以稍微給我們一些專案的背景嗎?

VF: Uniqlo一直持續和一些博物館有合作關係。舉例來說,在倫敦的話,他們跟泰特美術館合作。而與美術館合作的原因是因為Uniqlo想要將其形象與藝術結合。在這裡的合作專案中,他們贊助了免門票的政策。人們從前要付門票錢,而現在幸虧有Uniqlo,週六下午全部免門票。而我們必須以平面的方式去傳達這件事情,像活動宣傳。


JT: 你覺得這個專案最主要的目的是什麼?

VF: Uniqlo算是蠻新的品牌,他們一年多前才剛來到巴賽隆納,截至目前為止在這裡也只開了兩間店。因此這其實是一個以藝術進入城市蠻好的方法,同時也感謝市民的支持。

JT: In terms of the Uniqlo partnership with MACBA, could you give us more background of the collaboration?

VF: Uniqlo always has some relations or partnerships with museums. For example, in London, they partner with Tate. They partner with museums because they want to be engaged with arts. The collaboration here that Uniqlo sponsored is the free access. People used to pay for that, but now, thanks to Uniqlo, the ticket is free all Saturday afternoons. And we needed to explain that in a graphic way, like a campaign.

The thing is that if you see Uniqlo, it’s a logo within a square; the logotype of MACBA is also a square as well. So we have two squares, one black and the other one red. So we thought that the idea to make this partnership is to mix those two squares together. So you can see the two-squares movement all the time, with the meaning that they partner together. It is the key visual for the campaign and they also did some billboards because of the fact that they have to explain to the people of Barcelona about this partnership that you could go to the museum and it’s free.

At first I didn’t know, but now I’m aware that a lot of people go to the museum because it’s free.

JT: What do you think is the biggest goal for this project?

VF: Uniqlo is quite new, they came here one and a half year ago. For the moment they only have two shops in Spain. So it’s a nice way to come into the city in an art way and to thank the people in another way.

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