::: 設計閱讀計畫 ::: Design Reads :::
Type Matters!
常常被朋友問到有沒有推薦什麼字體相關的書籍,除了上次閱讀計畫推薦的Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works以外,這本由Jim Williams 集結在英國Staffordshire University 18年字體教學經驗所撰寫的Type Matters!,除了封面用仿皮革外衣配以黑底白字,也就是純粹typography為主體的設計概念之外(另外一位以字體為設計主體的設計師,詳見野生的Lars Müller),裡面的內容也多以紅黑字體作為主要色調,用極為親切的口吻,簡潔集結字體的基本知識。當然,這本書封面就說明了「日常的字體小撇步」,因此這本內容不會到非常艱澀,但閱讀此書卻會感受到作者滿滿的誠意,並且也會被內頁舒服的排版所駐足。
I am often asked by friends whether I have book recommendations for typography. Apart from the last Design Reads: Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works, Type Matters! is written by Jim Williams, who has been teaching in Staffordshire University in England for 18 years and has collected his typography knowledge and experiences into this book. Besides using a faux leather cover with white type on black background, a typography-based design (See other designers holding similar design thoughts From the Wild. Lars Müller), the book is mainly set to both red and black being the main color combination. With narrating soft contents and its fantastic layout, the book gives people an easier way to approach typography.
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