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用灑了一地的番茄醬畫畫吧! Drawing over spilt ketchup!

來自西班牙的設計師/插畫家兄弟檔 Borsmind,這次來到華山的展間公開巴塞隆納的工作室模擬原貌擺設、帶來了手稿、以及特地為這次台灣巡迴展覽的展品以及可供參觀者玩耍的遊戲機台及滾輪車,讓參觀者的確不只玩得盡興、更是在無形中體驗到兄弟倆的創作經驗及孩童般的想像力。



Brosmind, illustrators and designers from Spain, now moves their studio demo from Barcelona to Huashan Creative Park in Taipei, and brings their manuscript, products and exhibits tailored specifically for this exhibition in Taiwan. There are also video games that makes visitors not only have a lot of fun but experience their process and childlike imagination.

In Brosmind’s works, we can always see bright colors. It is like the sun in Barcelona, which brings outgoing atmosphere and joyfulness for people. Design Weekly are really honored to invite Brsmind for a little talk about their career, interests, and creation process. (See full interview part 1) On the first time we saw Juan and Alejandro, we were impressed by how they altered the interview room into a vibrant, interesting space. Maybe it’s the characteristic that affects their production, which draw everyone’s attention and fallen into their world of creation.



The brothers grew up in the world made of animations and movies in the 90s. Therefore, you can see a wall with toys and movie posters just around the exhibition entrance. Those are the staring point for Brosmind; no matter how many design trends and different projects came by, for Juan and Alejandro, they stay as the symbol of creating just for fun.

Instead of the tranquility that normal exhibition might have naturally, on the contrary, in Brosmind’s exhibition, you can easily hear people laughing. Hard. They are either delightful encounters with some specific charters or comments, but mostly the laugh that comes from pure happiness. Take a walk in the exhibition rooms, you will definitely find their drawing tools are so normal in brands and colors, but the world they create are so much more colorful and energetic.


Huge robot and sandwich impress the brothers in their trip in Taiwan. For them, during a whole project, having the opportunity to let their works interact with the audiences is the most interesting part. Maybe it emphasizes more of their core concept: Draw for own happiness, and wish others might enjoy the works as well. And Brosmind are people who wouldn’t frown even though the ketchup is knocked over; instead, they probably will stay on the ground, dipping their fingers in the ketchup, and paint the whole floor into the funnest playground in the world. Regarding to the attitude facing the reality, they have conquered everyone’s heart with the enthusiasm comes from childhood.

更多訪談影片 More interviews

第一集Borsmind的創作源頭 First episode of interview:

第二集Brosmind設計師登大人養成 Second episode:

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